I disagree with Katie and Jesse that Matt Walsh is being a bully when he observes that Dylan has removed what’s masculine without adding what’s feminine. I think this is an important point to make-- a feminist point. Physically, femininity is not simply the absence of masculinity; the idea that women are simply neutered men is an ancient…
I disagree with Katie and Jesse that Matt Walsh is being a bully when he observes that Dylan has removed what’s masculine without adding what’s feminine. I think this is an important point to make-- a feminist point. Physically, femininity is not simply the absence of masculinity; the idea that women are simply neutered men is an ancient and wholly sexist conceptualization of the female body. To the extent that Dylan presents femininity this way, he reinforces this sexist understanding of women’s bodies.
I doubt Walsh specifically intended to make a feminist argument, but he did. It’s an important and principled critique of Dylan’s performance, not “bullying,” IMO.
Matt Walsh is as far from making a feminist point as is possible to be.
To Matt Walsh, anything that is "in the middle" (as Dylan is, and so is Julie Bindel, and Katie and many other people, I'd include myself) is revolting, disgusting, and worthy of ridicule. He is not making a feminist point whatsoever. He is saying that any woman to trends away from the feminine, or any man who trends away from the masculine should be advised that they will be undesirable and unfuckable if they do not conform to gender stereotypes in line with their sex.
This is, of course, garbage. Gender nonconforming people are completely able to find each other and live happy lives. Matt Walsh can take his regressive bullshit elsewhere and feminists should stop listening to him, stat.
I think comparing Katie & Julie Bindel to Dylan freaking Mulvaney as if they have something in common is absurd. Being a lesbian and asking ppl to accept your that is not at all like Dylan Mulvaney putting on a sports bra, or his “hiking heels,” and being accepted as a woman when he is not. Are you othering Katie & Julie from womanhood & putting them in some middle zone with a man who says he has lady feelings? I get that you don’t like him & that’s fine. I don’t agree with him on everything but on this issue he’s right.
I know ppl want to make it sound like he hates gay ppl but I hear him criticizing the “LGBTQ” community, which has allowed the TQ to be a parasite on the larger community. When drag was an adult form of entertainment, which it was before the TQ started running the show -- I doubt this guy was making the alphabet crew a main priority. It’s because the TQ is shoving itself in everyone’s faces & medicalizing kids that conservatives like Matt Walsh got involved. If the LGB community wants to save itself from getting associated with the TQ & being made a focus of the conservatives -- it should divorce the TQ. The pendulum swing on this issue will be a wrecking ball if sensible people don’t start pushing back.
And please spare us the assertion that Matt Walsh’s wife lacks all agency in her life. It’s tiring to hear feminists making conservative women who choose to be SAHMs sound like they’re being chained up. Just because THEY don’t want to be in a traditional family role doesn’t mean all women want what they want. It’s insulting. My guess is Matt’s wife has way more power in that house than you’d expect. He cherishes her & his children.
My point is the Walsh hates butch women and campy gay men just as much as he hates Dylan and for the same reason. He hates anyone who defies gender stereotypes. So fuck Matt Walsh.
And yes, I understand the argument that Dylan by IDing as female is actually supporting gender stereotypes so feminists should be against that. But Matt doesn’t see it that way. To HIM Dylan and Julie and ru Paul are all in the same “disgusting” category.
I disagree with Katie and Jesse that Matt Walsh is being a bully when he observes that Dylan has removed what’s masculine without adding what’s feminine. I think this is an important point to make-- a feminist point. Physically, femininity is not simply the absence of masculinity; the idea that women are simply neutered men is an ancient and wholly sexist conceptualization of the female body. To the extent that Dylan presents femininity this way, he reinforces this sexist understanding of women’s bodies.
I doubt Walsh specifically intended to make a feminist argument, but he did. It’s an important and principled critique of Dylan’s performance, not “bullying,” IMO.
Matt Walsh is as far from making a feminist point as is possible to be.
To Matt Walsh, anything that is "in the middle" (as Dylan is, and so is Julie Bindel, and Katie and many other people, I'd include myself) is revolting, disgusting, and worthy of ridicule. He is not making a feminist point whatsoever. He is saying that any woman to trends away from the feminine, or any man who trends away from the masculine should be advised that they will be undesirable and unfuckable if they do not conform to gender stereotypes in line with their sex.
This is, of course, garbage. Gender nonconforming people are completely able to find each other and live happy lives. Matt Walsh can take his regressive bullshit elsewhere and feminists should stop listening to him, stat.
I think comparing Katie & Julie Bindel to Dylan freaking Mulvaney as if they have something in common is absurd. Being a lesbian and asking ppl to accept your that is not at all like Dylan Mulvaney putting on a sports bra, or his “hiking heels,” and being accepted as a woman when he is not. Are you othering Katie & Julie from womanhood & putting them in some middle zone with a man who says he has lady feelings? I get that you don’t like him & that’s fine. I don’t agree with him on everything but on this issue he’s right.
I know ppl want to make it sound like he hates gay ppl but I hear him criticizing the “LGBTQ” community, which has allowed the TQ to be a parasite on the larger community. When drag was an adult form of entertainment, which it was before the TQ started running the show -- I doubt this guy was making the alphabet crew a main priority. It’s because the TQ is shoving itself in everyone’s faces & medicalizing kids that conservatives like Matt Walsh got involved. If the LGB community wants to save itself from getting associated with the TQ & being made a focus of the conservatives -- it should divorce the TQ. The pendulum swing on this issue will be a wrecking ball if sensible people don’t start pushing back.
And please spare us the assertion that Matt Walsh’s wife lacks all agency in her life. It’s tiring to hear feminists making conservative women who choose to be SAHMs sound like they’re being chained up. Just because THEY don’t want to be in a traditional family role doesn’t mean all women want what they want. It’s insulting. My guess is Matt’s wife has way more power in that house than you’d expect. He cherishes her & his children.
My point is the Walsh hates butch women and campy gay men just as much as he hates Dylan and for the same reason. He hates anyone who defies gender stereotypes. So fuck Matt Walsh.
And yes, I understand the argument that Dylan by IDing as female is actually supporting gender stereotypes so feminists should be against that. But Matt doesn’t see it that way. To HIM Dylan and Julie and ru Paul are all in the same “disgusting” category.