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Episode 32: Himpathy For The Bitcoiner
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -50:32

Episode 32: Himpathy For The Bitcoiner

After a  brief and sober discussion about President Trump's coronavirus diagnosis, the hosts devote most of the episode to two stories: a controversy surrounding a partially anonymous Arc Digital review of Kate Manne's new book Entitled that has led to accusations of obsession and WAR, and the blowup that ensued -- complete with a gleeful threat of mass executions in the streets! -- after the head of Coinbase took the radical stance that his company's purpose is to make money, not do progressive politics. Also: Katie sticks up for Jesse on Twitter without Jesse's awareness, New York Times staffers fail to revolt after a column that could Literally Endanger Lives is published, Jesse tries to get into the impressions game and almost commits a war crime in the process, and more.

Show notes/Links:

Arc Digital: Mannesplaining - 

Some of the relevant tweets: Jill Filipovic on the anonymity, Arc responds, Arc on the blocking, Jason Stanley on the 'war' (Arc, um, responds again), and Stanley on the 'obsession.' 

Arc Digital: Don’t Publish Personal Attacks Based on Misinformation - 

Coinbase is a mission focused company: 

Forbes: Some Business Leaders Should Face A Firing Squad, Former Twitter CEO Dick Costolo Suggests In Angry Tweet - 

Coindesk: Relief and Regret: Crypto Twitter Reacts as Coinbase Says ‘No’ to Corporate Activism -

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