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Episode 84: Frederick Joseph, As Himself, In: The McKaren Park Karen, And An Interview With Paige Harden About Genetics
Current time: 0:00 / Total time: -1:10:33

Episode 84: Frederick Joseph, As Himself, In: The McKaren Park Karen, And An Interview With Paige Harden About Genetics

Frederick Joseph is the unluckiest man in New York City: After dealing with a Satanic AirBnB host, a racist woman on the street, and racist editors and producers, he is the victim of the latest Central-Park-Karen-style incident. The hosts discuss his super real and honest stories. Then: Jesse interviews Kathryn Paige Harden, the author of The Genetic Lottery: Why DNA Matters for Social Equality, about her research and the perils of debating fraught scientific and societal subjects online. 

(Note: Due to a minor scheduling snafu I'm late getting you your patrons-only episode, but I'll have it for you by tomorrow morning at the latest. Also, keep an eye out for a longer cut of the Harden interview that we're releasing just for patrons, which I'll post momentarily. -Jesse)

Show notes/Links:

Job listing: 

Original Frederick Joseph video:

Insider’s coverage:

Derek Andersen has said problematic stuff himself:

People won’t leave Joseph alone:

Man Claims United Airlines Offered Woman $1,000 Voucher to Put Her Feet Down: 'The Audacity of White Privilege':

Anna Merlan general background (not petty): 

Merlan on Joseph on AirBnB satanists: 

Joseph’s claim about black-author quotas:

Paige Harden’s faculty page at the University of Texas - Austin:

Paige Harden’s book, The Genetic Lottery: Why DNA Matters for Social Equality:

Giden Lewis-Kraus’s profile of her in The New Yorker:

Freddie deBoer on his related book The Cult of Smart: How Our Broken Education System Perpetuates Social Injustice: 

Lothian Birth Cohorts: