Many pods use parasociality to wallpaper over laziness or lack of talent, and each of the three you mentioned are all very good examples of that at play. I love podcasts and podcasting as a format but it is absolutely an obscure niche medium with a lot of chaff with little wheat.
Many pods use parasociality to wallpaper over laziness or lack of talent, and each of the three you mentioned are all very good examples of that at play. I love podcasts and podcasting as a format but it is absolutely an obscure niche medium with a lot of chaff with little wheat.
Heavyweight is very well done and very human without getting into American political BS and Conan Needs a Friend really gives a fascinating insight into megastardom and the compunction to perform, as well as being very funny. The rest of the stuff I listen to is too weird to recommend ever lol
Many pods use parasociality to wallpaper over laziness or lack of talent, and each of the three you mentioned are all very good examples of that at play. I love podcasts and podcasting as a format but it is absolutely an obscure niche medium with a lot of chaff with little wheat.
What podcast do you recommend? I would love to have more than the barpod to listen to. All the other ones I have liked are short form.
Heavyweight is very well done and very human without getting into American political BS and Conan Needs a Friend really gives a fascinating insight into megastardom and the compunction to perform, as well as being very funny. The rest of the stuff I listen to is too weird to recommend ever lol
"... the compunction to perform..."
Do you mean compulsion?
Lol yeah, too much weed
Words and Numbers
I'll just recommend "The Song of Urania". If you love history, stars, and math you'll love it.
I enjoy This is Actually Happening - long form narrated stories, no host.